Q: What types of events do you host?
A: Our primary events are our unique Executive Breakfast Roundtables, each one organized around a specific topic. We host half-day breakfast events (from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon) in our Chapter cities seven (7)) times per year. These Breakfast Roundtable meetings are held at host law firms in each Chapter city. During these breakfasts, our sponsors speak for 15 minutes each to our members about topics that are timely and relevant. These roundtables provide sponsors with direct, face-to-face contact with our members. Our breakfast events follow a standard format:
- Short networking over coffee and breakfast: 8:00 - 8:30
- Introduction of the topic by Bill Sieglein, Andy Land, or Franklin Kessler and member introductions: 8:30 - 9:25
- Welcome from host law firm: 9:25 am - 9:35
- Break 9:35 - 9:45
- Sponsored speaker 9:45-10:00
- Sponsored speaker 10:00-10:15
- Sponsored speaker 10:15-10:30
- Break 10:30-10;35
- Member closed-door session: 10:35 - 11:20
- Concluding remarks and close 11:20 - 11:30
We also host Custom Roundtables throughout the year and special member breakfasts at the RSA and Black Hat Conferences.
Q: What are the advantages of becoming a sponsor?
A: CISO Executive Network is the shortest route to CISO decision makers in large organizations. We make personal introductions at our events, allowing sponsors the chance to talk directly to executives they often have trouble reaching. Our members understand the relationship we have with sponsors and welcome the interaction. In addition, specific benefits include:
- At breakfast events, a timed speaking slot for a company executive or technology leader.
- Thought leadership among influential executives.
- Direct interaction with executive level information security decision makers in an intimate atmosphere.
- Full contact information for all registrants for each sponsored Chapter event.
- For content distribution, full contact information for those members who click through to the sponsor’s content.
Q: When does a sponsor get the full contact information for registrants?
A: For Executive Member Breakfast Roundtables we provide sponsors with full registrant contact data typically within 24 hours of the event conclusion. For Webinars, contact information is sent in spreadsheet format to sponsors within 48 hours of the event conclusion.
Q: What levels of sponsorship do you offer?
A: For Executive Breakfast Roundtable events, we offer three sponsored-speaker slots for each Chapter city. Custom Roundtables and special breakfasts at RSA and Black Hat are single-sponsor events.
Q: How many sponsor representatives can attend an event?
A: Sponsors are allowed to bring to each Executive Member Breakfast Roundtable event a speaker and one executive or customer representative. For special events, more representation is allowed, depending on the sponsorship level.
Q: How many events do you host a year?
A: The CISO Executive Network hosts seven Executive Breakfast Roundtable series each year in its Chapter cities (200+ roundtables per year). We offer up to eight Custom Roundtables.
Q: What are some of the topics you cover?
A: Last year our breakfast events included coverage of identity and access management, enterprise security risk management, security monitoring, detection, and response, endpoint and mobile device security, enterprise network security, and application and third-party security. Each year our Advisory Council members help us select relevant topics for discussion at our Executive Breakfast Roundtables
Q: How much opportunity is there for sponsor interaction with CISO Executive Network members?
A: Each Executive Breakfast Roundtable event starts with a breakfast period intended to promote interaction among members and sponsors. Regular breaks are scheduled throughout all events to further this interaction. Members typically stick around for a time immediately following each event, often to make contact with sponsor representatives. Of course, the sponsor has 15 minutes to present directly to members.
During our virtual roundtables, sponsors are able to interact with members directly throughout the meeting via chat.
Q: How many times can a company be a sponsor?
A: There is no limit to the number of times a sponsor can participate. In fact, we know from our members that they appreciate seeing a sponsor multiple times throughout a year. This helps to establish an environment of trust with the sponsor. Sponsors that are successful with our members are those who sponsor multiple events across all of our Chapter cities.
Q: Can I sponsor just one Chapter event?
A: We have a minimum purchase of six (6) Chapter city events per roundtable series.
Q: How much does sponsorship cost?
A: The Pricing Guide is available on this site when you are a registered user. Log in to access this page.
Q: What is the process for sponsoring an event?
- Companies choose the events they wish to sponsor and contact us.
- They execute a contract for sponsorship, which includes payment terms.
- Sponsor representatives, including the designated speaker, participate in a planning conference call with CISO Executive Network two to three weeks before the event the company will sponsor.
- Companies forward their presentation to CISO Executive Network two weeks prior to the event.
- A speaker and one company representative attend the event in the city or cities they will sponsor.
- The company will receive for follow-up the registration list with all registrant contact information within 24 hours after conclusion of the event.
Q: How does a sponsor schedule a customized event?
A: Contact us at [email protected] to initiate the discussion for what type of event you would like to sponsor.
Q: How do you recruit members?
A: We use networking as our main recruiting vehicle. Once a member has attended one of our events, he or she is motivated to recruit peers to the Network. We also utilize business-networking tools to identify and recruit potential members. In addition, we invite sponsors to suggest potential members.
Q: What are the titles of most of your members?
A: The majority of our members have the CISO or equivalent title. Many are EVP, GVP, SVP and VP level executives. Many heads of information security - the decision makers with budget, don't get the official title "CISO" as it denotes a senior corporate officer role. Most "CISOs" are actually Director, Senior Manager, Global Head, etc.
Q: What types of organizations make up your membership?
A: Most are large organizations including large financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail organizations. We also serve higher education institutions and government agencies
Q: What is the cost of membership?
A: Membership in the CISO Executive Network is free to qualified candidates. Members are approved after review by our management of their title, role, and company. Bill’s personal review assures that the make-up of membership is consistent with the focus of the executive network.
Q: How many people attend your events?
A: Our Executive Breakfast Roundtable events are kept purposely intimate to encourage dialogue among members and sponsors. Live breakfast events average between 20 and 25 registrants and 12 attendees, with some meetings attracting nearly 40. Virtual events attract an average of 16+ attendees.
Q: Do you guarantee attendance numbers?
A: We do not guarantee attendance numbers and believe that is a bad practice that leads to "stuffing" seats with unqualified attendees. Because we are member-based organization we only invite our members. Our registration averages are listed above.
Q: Where are your events held?
A: For regular Executive Member Breakfast Roundtable events, most of our meetings are held at host law firms in our Chapter cities. Special events are held at conference facilities in central locations.
Q: Can we send giveaway materials to events?
A: For Executive Breakfast Roundtable events you can send small giveaways such as pens, portfolios, and the types of things you may give away at conference booths. Our roundtables are intimate events held in conference rooms. There are no exhibit tables. We do not encourage distribution of marketing materials at our Executive Breakfast Roundtables. Consider sending marketing materials electronically as a follow up to members who attend.
Q: How do you attract members to events?
A: CISO Executive Network publishes a member newsletter every two weeks informing members of current and upcoming events. In addition, we send email invitations for events to members and request that they register for the event in advance. For each regular Executive Breakfast Roundtable event, we are in touch with members five or six times, assuring a good response.
Q: Do you offer sponsors other events for reaching your members?
A: Yes. We can customize special requests from sponsors for interaction with CISO Executive Network members. Such events can include: sponsored-topic meal events; product launch evaluations; surveys, etc. We are happy to work with sponsors to effectively reach CISO Executive Network members. If you would like to reach our members through a customized program, please let us know at [email protected].
Q: What other ways do you interact with your members?
A: We offer secure access to Chapter pages on our website, including for a Virtual Chapter comprised of members who cannot attend live events in a Chapter city. Through the website, we offer all materials from our live events, special interviews, articles, and videos featuring members, regular written and video blog entries updating members on developments in information security, and interviews with other industry experts and CISO Executive Network sponsors. We also moderate a LinkedIn Discussion Group for members only. That group includes more than 1,800 members.
As part of our content program, we offer sponsors the opportunity to distribute content to our members through our website. This program is driven by our biweekly newsletter, and gives sponsors the chance to share with our members through white papers, checklists, videos, etc. Our program is flexible, so long as the sponsor’s content provides value to our members.
Q: What do you look for in sponsor presentations?
A: Sponsor presentations must be on-topic in keeping with the theme of the Executive Member Breakfast Roundtable series. Sales and marketing pitches are discouraged, as CISO Executive Network members are looking to the sponsors to bring thought leadership to the topic. We find that sponsors who bring a thought-provoking topic expert resonate best with our members. Sponsors must adhere to the Speaker Guidelines provided by CISO Executive Network.
Q: Who can present for sponsors?
A: The CISO Executive Network expects companies to bring thought leadership to its sponsorship. Therefore, we look for technology leaders in the companies or VP-level executives who are comfortable with presenting to high-level executives with a compelling message. Presenters should be evangelists who can best tell the sponsor’s story.